
Member Since: 9/20/2002
Total Mixes: 27
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Other Mixes By djproject

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Single Artist

15 may 2005 (junior 2)

Artist Song
mr. bungle  everyone i went to high school with is dead 
paik  dirt for driver 
king crimson  epitaph 
future sound of london  vertical pig 
autechre  parhelic triangle 
coil  are you shivering? 
vast  pretty when you cry 
black tape for a blue girl  our future imagined 
the smashing pumpkins  x.y.u. 
arvo pSrt/the electric chamber  cantus in memory of benjamin britten 
vangelis  mask, movement 3 


(available currently as a single .ogg file; made in commemoration of commencement from the college of william and mary, williamsburg, va)
