
Member Since: 3/15/2002
Total Mixes: 126
Total Feedback: 35

"Mit der rechten Hand am rechten Arm?" [1 of 2]

Artist Song
BTla Bart=k  Allegro (1) from String Quartet 5 
Captain Beefheart  Brickbats 
David Thomas  Friends of Stone 
Luigi Nono  Guai ai Gelidi Mostri II 
Captain Beefheart  Dali's Car 
David Thomas  Crush This Horn, Part Two 
Arnold SchĂ·nberg  Pierrot Lunaire (excerpt) 
Captain Beefheart  Lick My Decals Off, Baby 
George Crumb  Music for a Summer Evening (Makrokosmos III) V. Music of the Starry Night 
David Thomas  Bicycle 
Olivier Messiaen  Turangalela Symphony V - Joie du sang des Ttoiles: Vif, passionnT, avec joie 


I owed someone a CD in trade; asking them what music they like, the last items listed were "Pere Ubu, Captain Beefheart, and 20th century classical music" (he'd mentioned he didn't have David Thomas's solo stuff). I thought putting those three together would be intriguing... (The second volume is here.)


Rob Conroy
Date: 5/5/2005
This looks very impressive.
Date: 12/28/2005
Ahem, I would love to hear both of these.

LOVE the artwork, btw.