Other Mixes By dice
Mixed Genre
Alternative - College Rock
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Single Artist
Electric Farewell
something in the works that coincides with a poem I wrote. (the tape and the poem share the same title) I realize putting Songs:Ohia and Neil Young on the same mix is somewhat of a cardinal sin--or at the least, repetitive...but it is what it is. enjoy! (p.s. the second side is a lot shorter than the first because the Silver Mt. Zion track is super long) p.s. here's where you can find the poem: http://www.livejournal.com/users/_didnt_it_rainFeedback:
some great stuff on here. oh comely breaks my heart everytime.
Some great stuff here, Ms. Dice.
Yes, some lovely things. Always good to see Jason Molina on the cover of a mix...
One of my favourite Elliot Smith songs. I don't know any other specific songs (aside Neil Young) but good artists.
Rob, you've made my day--I'm so happy someone on this website was able to identify who was on the cover! horray. :) <3.
this is dope.
Very nice as always but when do we get to read the poem?
this is purty.
Yes, very nice.
Agreed, very nice. That Silver Mt. Zion song is my favorite.