Other Mixes By AKA
Alternative - College Rock

MP3 Playlist
Single Artist

Theme - Alternating DJ
Single Artist
"The Beatles" - '70
Compiled with help from fellow AOTMer Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer.If the Beatles hadn't broken up, how would they have followed "Abbey Road" the next year?
Sure, we're not the first to attempt to answer this, but we were sure satisfied with the end result. Plus, it's a great way to introduce the uninitiated to solo Beatles material.
Total running time is 46:30. The spoken "intro" to "Look At Me" has been removed to preserve the flow of the albm.
Great concept. I may have to build myself a copy of this mix and see how it feels.
i like this idea. i might try something like this myself...all i know is mine would definitly have "isnt it a pity" and "apple scruffs" out of georgies stuff.