Other Mixes By lpecucci
Theme - Alternating DJ
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MP3 Playlist
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Mixed Genre
Theme - Alternating DJ
Hey Baby,It's The 4th Of July....
My band Letterbomb (www.letterbomb.net)is playing at a street fest later today (if the rain hold off...)so I gotta load up the mp3 player for the in-between music..It's the all American playlist! And without getting all political,Im not speaking of Bush-Rove-Rumsfeld fake religious high & mighty doofis Toby Keith lovin' America but the one that allows me to say I hate the president without anyone kicking my door down in the middle of the night...Have a good one,everyone!Feedback:
Very, very cool. I'd love to hear this. And I'm loving that White Stripes song at the moment.
Nice. Love the Dave Alvin bookends (and title). Needs The Blasters' American Music.
Good ol' American rock 'n' roll my friend. The Blasters' "American Music" would have fit in well, but I see Dave Alvin is representin'!
Just noticed the previous comment! Great minds think alike ;)
This is excellent! I made a 4th of July BBQ mix myself, but I couldn't help myself, it got too political -- this one would have been better!
I hate the president.