Sean Lally

Member Since: 2/1/2002
Total Mixes: 135
Total Feedback: 3209

Other Mixes By Sean Lally

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Sing a song of skepticism - OR - Rockin like Dawkins!

Artist Song
Dr. Science  What is the Scientific Method? 
Ronnie Lane & Pete Townshend  Evolution 
David Cross  Bush / Church / Evolultion bit 
John Wesley Harding  Darwin  
Bill Hicks  Dinosaurs 
Donovan  Fishes in love  
"How does a frog become a frog?" 
Elvis Costello & the Imposers  Monkey to man 
Dr. Science  Praying mantises and religion 
The Kinks  Apeman 
George Carlin  Heavy mysteries  
Robbie Fulks  God isn't real  
"It's a scientific fact." 
Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper  The amazing bigfoot diet 
Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers  I'm a little dinosaur (live) 
Guided by Voices  I am a scientist  
Dr. Science  The Crebs cycle vs. the menstrual cycle 
The Honeycombs  It ain't necessarily so  
They might be giants  The sun is a mass of incandescent gas 
Monty Python  The galaxy song 
Ian Shoales  Advice to students 
Tom Lehrer  The elements  
Destiny  Evolution 


Another would-be high concept piece, my tribute to all things scientific and skeptical - a companion disc to my semi-controversial mix from way back, "What makes a man turn his back on god?" Quite a few folks nowadays (including a certain idiot President) reject the rock-solid science of Evolution. To a great extent, the fault of this rejection lies squarely with fundamentalism and the nonsensical beliefs it requires of its followers. So, here is my proverbial "spitting into the wind", a tribute to all things SCIENTIFIC: as in "science", a word which comes from "scientia" (knowledge).
Science is my background, not that I really practice it much these days (not since grad school) - rather, as a teacher of physics and astronomy, I'm in the mind-molding business. It still saddens me to see how many creationism advocates pass through the doors of my school - some things can't be easily fixed by education, I suppose.
Some folks (who don't know me well) wonder why I am so critical of this President. I think that a lot of my problem with him is perfectly exemplified by his rejection of evolution. He is clearly not a thinking man, not a curious man - a man who completely believes that a supernatural force speaks directly to him. To me, that is terrifying. Moreover, it speaks volumes about his lack of commitment to concepts like evidence (about life on earth, or weapons of mass destruction, for that matter), as opposed to faith. But enough about that jackass....
This mix is for the skeptics: James Randi (a man who once trained me to do some debunking of my own), Richard Dawkins, Richard Feynman, Charles Darwin, Clarence Darrow, Carl Sagan, and .... my own father. And while I'm at it, I'll further dedicate to any yahoo who believes in creationism, dowsing, Bigfoot, aliens walking among us, trepanation, astrology, ESP, and the like. Or not.... Actually, let me further dedicate it to the friendly neighborhood scientists and science lovers on Aotm: Buglady, Lo-fi, Jenny and more. (You know who you are.)
A couple of notes: Destiny is a christian rap group - they're no fans of Darwin, as this ridiculous song indicates, included as a bonus track. Tracks marked with * are from a decades-old multi-volume kids science album series. The Dr. Science tracks are from the Duck's Breath radio program (as is Ian Shoales). Evolution (the Townshend/Lane track) was used on my baby's mix a few weeks back. Sorry. Used the Bill Hicks track on the god mix. Sorry again. And of course, I'm an opinionated dick. Sorry once more. But unlike a lot of other opinionated dicks, I've got evidence on my side. So there. God bless.


Dead Man
Date: 7/6/2005
The Misfit
Date: 7/6/2005
Nice mix. My favorite evolutionist was Stephen Jay Gould, a wonderful writer and a great defender of reason. Robin and Crystal Bernard's "The Monkey Song" would fit well on here: "I'm no kin to the monkey, no no no..." Lucky monkeys.
Date: 7/6/2005
Looks like a worthy sequel to the "...back on god" mix, which probably got more inches of feedback than any other mix posted on this site. We'll see if this one elicits a similar response. Be sure to send a promo copy to the White House.
James Jackson
Date: 7/7/2005
Absolutely excellent, Sean. Great concept, great selections, great notes! You, my friend, are going to hell!
Sean Lally
Date: 7/7/2005
Thanks, kids! By the way, I should have also listed fellow physics phriends Todd and Lenny in the notes. See ya in hell!
Date: 7/7/2005
nice one Sean, really like the Python "Galaxy Song, Lighten Up"......
Date: 7/7/2005
Hey Sean, I wish I'd known you were going to try this, I've got some evolution tracks that would work well here...I just never had enough to fill up a CD! Looks great, though, well done Astroman!
Rob Conroy
Date: 7/7/2005
As always when you deign to take on this sort of topic musically, very entertaining and well-done. I love that Pete & Ronnie tune.
Date: 7/7/2005
Very original & most lallifying!
Nest of Vipers
Date: 7/7/2005
Date: 7/7/2005
Cool concept and cool mix.
Date: 7/7/2005
Cool mix, Sean. I hear your frustration in the comments, and I share them. I guess the bible bangers are frustrated too. Bill Nye for President!
Date: 7/7/2005
Excellent, excellent -- love this!
sport !
Date: 7/7/2005
Damn great mix! This won't "play" in Kansas!
Pop Kulcher
Date: 7/8/2005
Blasphemer! What you need is some time in a Kansas public school to get a REAL education. And no more of this "round Earth" bullsh#t, either...
Date: 7/8/2005
Very nice, indeed.
Date: 7/8/2005
Okay, I have to admit, I really dislike Richard Dawkins. But you know what else I dislike? Creationism, fundamentalist Christians who aren't willing to accept the facts of science, and belief in lots of other things you list - "aliens walking among us, trepanation, astrology, ESP, and the like", oh, and Christian rap. :) (I speak as a Catholic (please keep reading!), and Catholic beliefs do, in fact, uphold the basic facts of an evolutionary world.) So don't worry - there are, of course, religious nuts, but not all the nuts are religious and the religious are not all nuts. But to get to the point... The TMBG song is fantastic - I thought of it when I saw what the mix was about, and was glad to see it in the tracklisting! Appreciate the Tom Lehrer too. This is a beautifully executed mix and a challenging subject. And I don't think you're an opinionated dick :)
Sean Lally
Date: 7/8/2005
Thanks for that, Siobhan. I wonder if you dislike Dawkins for the same reason so many others do - he equates science with atheism. That is, he believes that one who is truly science-minded must reject the notion of the supernatural (a god, typically that of the Judeo-Christian variety; or miracles, for that matter - those suspensions of the rules of the physical universe). And while I used to be a bit more conciliatory, granting legitimacy to religiouis beliefs, I just don't anymore. I understand the concept of faith, but I've got no faith in it, so to speak :-)
yaa yaa yaa absolutely "my" mix of the week! Great job like Costello & Imposers, Kinks, Hicks and Guided by voices.

Date: 7/11/2005
Awesome Sean.
joey de vivre
Date: 7/11/2005
It just burns my goat that science versus faith is apparently a live issue in the USA again. I thought all that was settled back in the days of the Scopes "monkey" trial, if not in the days of Darwin & Huxley. (And of course, it was -- the problem is that believers and Bushies are impervious to argument, facts just bounce off them. Well, if we can't reason with them, at least we can make fun of them! Keep up the good work.)
Date: 7/13/2005
Oh Sean, this is just fabulous! I'm hoping it's not too soon for another trade, because I really, really want this. Dave Bartholomew's "The Monkey" would be at home here - it's an anti-evolutionary rant from the monkey's point of view.
p the swede
Date: 7/16/2005
yeah go science go, let us science teacher show them the wild side of life ;). BTW did you get the sin alleyCD?