do your war dance

Member Since: 6/7/2005
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 59

Other Mixes By do your war dance

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Romantic

axis 'n' allies

Artist Song
arditi with toroidh (italy)  untitled 
andrew king (england)  gethsemane 
the moon lay hidden beneath a cloud (austria)  untitled (from "were you of silver") 
sol invictus (england)  in the wake of the wolf 
wappenbund (germany)  die fahne hoch 
derniere volonte (france)  au travers de lauries 
jack or jive (japan)  behind the line 
karjalan sissit (finland)  night of the abyss 
ghosts of breslau (poland)  feueraufe  
garda da fier anthem (romania)  legionari victory hymn 
blood axis (usa)  the hangman and the papist 
sturmpercht (austria)  traumkampf 
decadence (greece)  railways 


for this one, i was given the ambiguous theme of "war", and managed to trivialise world war two. AGAIN.
image for mix


Date: 7/26/2005
I love this!