In August 2019, a group of four Americans, including me and my wife Connie, set out to walk Hadrian's Wall Path, a National Trail in England that stretches from Bowness-on-Solway on the Irish Sea in th …
An extrapolation on my annual top-20 most played list to cover my fifth year of high school (Yes, fifth. Ontario had a Grade 13 for much of the late part of the 20th Century ... 2000-01). Songs ranked …
An extrapolation on my annual top-20 most played list to cover my fourth year of high school (1999-2000). Songs ranked lowest to highest in terms of heavy rotation.
Every song name-drops another artist. In some cases the previous artist in the mix itself. The 11th submission for my mixtape club.
My annual countdown of my 20 iPod's most played songs. Songs in the Top 20 are ordered from least to most plays.
The ninth submission to my mixtape collective. I explored the theme of 'elements' by picking songs that cintain the word 'fuck'.
A collection of songs off 2010s albums that I've neglected in my mix-making.