Just like Dylan, there's a Ryan Adams song for your every mood. I was feeling these seventeen uplifting gems.
A mix of songs that are more well-known for cover versions. Heavily inspired by TV Tropes' "Covered Up" page.
89 and so fine. Well at least my impromptu date was. Long story. Lately, I face some of the good and odd things that come with entertaining people. I just love proving people wrong.
When I was a child, growing up while traveling through Central America, I swore to my mom, who is Puerto Rican, and a to few other folks as well, that I could never get into 'music in Spanish'. It was …
February 17, 2012 - Last.fm: yourpictureshow
February 14, 2012 - Alli
Las tardes nubladas y frescas se estßn poniendo de a peso en la ciudad, lo mejor que puedes hacer es bailar bajo la lluvia o al menos mover la cabeza mientras admiras las gotas estrellarse contra el cr …
Re-Dun edition. I re-made this mix more to my liking. Plus, last time the title was just driving mix and not including the specific one. This was inspired of one really cruel person.