Power Pop. Wikipedia defines power pop as: Power pop is a popular musical genre that draws its inspiration from 1960s British and American pop and rock music. It typically incorporates a combination of …
Power Pop. Wikipedia defines power pop as: Power pop is a popular musical genre that draws its inspiration from 1960s British and American pop and rock music. It typically incorporates a combination of …
Il settimo album si intitola ''Claudio Sapio''Greatest Hits 2004-2010 scritto nel 2010, F una raccolta delle piĀ· belle canzoni che ha scritto fino ad oggi, 13 brani che non vi stancheranno mai di ascol …
Il quarto album si intitola ''Le Stagioni Del Cuore'', scritto nel 2006-2007. In questo album l'artista racconta di se F delle sue esperienze sentimentali che fara emozionare, un genere molto Pop itali …
The third album is titled'' One-One'', written in 2005-2006. Here the artist sound changes and evolves from writing 13 songs in Italian Pop-Rock genre (reggae), very bright and youthful songs that refl …
Here is another mix, I thought about posting this mix of pop/Rock music before the end of the Year 2012, Enjoy!
One hour of love songs for that special person that you consider 'The One'.. I had one such person slip through my fingers over twenty years ago, but at least I developed my music mixing ability out of …