Wisdom Goof

Member Since: 2/28/2002
Total Mixes: 64
Total Feedback: 18

I was here all the time in 2002-2003. Now I am the Revenant. This my Statemement, merci.

Wisdom Goof music weblog (archived) http://wisdomgoof.blogspot.com/

Wisdom Goof's Mixes

Wisdom Goof's Favorite Mixes

Wisdom Goof's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This compilation was hastily put together to check my CD burner was still working. I bought a box of 50 blank CD-Rs (a respected brand name, too) and every single one of them refused to burn (well, I t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tape made for me a few years ago which I recently wrote about for Freaky Trigger's C90 Go series...
CD | Mixed Genre
For the longest day... this is a (brief return) with some junebugs I caught in a jar
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is a deliberately depresso C90 I made up on a double tape deck in 1985 when double tape decks were quite the thing to have, and I found it recently, and it's nearly all still good to great, so her …
CD | Theme
Oh. My. God. Remember Addicted to Noise - www.addict.com? They included 45-second mp3 excerpts in their features and reviews. That's what we have here. Ninety eight 'bleeding chunks' squeezed on to one …
CD | Theme
Bands and songs mentioned in Everett True's opinionated and self-dramatizing but never boring book 'Live Through This - American Rock Music in the Nineties' which inspired me to dig out some old stuff, …
CD | Mixed Genre
Some new, some not all that old.
CD | Theme
The common link being Geoff Farina and his bands/ projects... I've excluded songs off more recent Karate releases as I've been playing them to death lately.
CD | Mixed Genre
Urban paranoia for the workshy pedestrian.
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