Member Since: 1/8/2005
Total Mixes: 48
Total Feedback: 8

AKA's Mixes

AKA's Favorite Mixes

AKA's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
The original incarnation of this compilation included "SMiLE" session material from the "Good Vibrations" box set on this disc, but after Brian released "SMiLE," I realized that "SMiLE" now belongs to  …
CD | Single Artist
31. Wouldn't It Be Nice 32. God Only Knows 33. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times <1996 stereo remix> I know, I know - The Beach Boys' catalog has been anthologized ad nauseum. My goal was to create a  …
CD | Single Artist
This is my "corrected" version of Aerosmith's best-selling (but highly flawed) 1980 "Greatest Hits" compilation. I've included full album versions of each track. I've also added nine additional songs t …
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