Member Since: 12/2/2005
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 0

Fighting as Dancing www.fightingasdancing.com
Cyclic Defrost www.cyclicdefrost.com

R1CHT3A's Mixes

R1CHT3A's Favorite Mixes

R1CHT3A's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
My latest Disco Volante offering. Kind of alt. folk/country/blues both new and old.
MP3 Playlist | Jazz
My take on Jazz. Not en encyclopaedic listing by any means, more a comment on old meets new.
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Second of my Disco Volante mixes. This one has the tenuous theme of all songs having lyrics, plus its a bit of a post-xmas blues buster!
CD | Mixed Genre
My first mix on AOTM is also my first mix for 'Disco Volante', the mix club I just joined - email for more details. Some oldies and newies here, with a mix of styles but certainly with an electronic fo …
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