
Member Since: 8/14/2002
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 218

paintbrushes1's Mixes

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paintbrushes1's Mixes

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this mix for a close friend of mine. She's 5 years younger than me but we're really close, she doesn't seem like she is actually 5 years younger than me. I used quite a few tracks i've used befo …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this mix for a friend who i met whilst on holidays in Perth. She worked in a health drink type shop and on one of the many hot days there i ran in to grab a drink and we struck up a conversation …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I don't know where to start with this one. Started off trying to make someting a little up-beat and faster, using some stuff i haven't listened to in awhile and some stuff i've been wanting to put on a …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix a friend gave to me. I swapped him a CD i no longer wanted for a mixtape, it may not seem like a balanced trade, but I didn't care. I have to say I didn't like all of the stuff on here, but alot  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
OK, basically this is a tape for a girl I met last weekend, I was totally blown away by her, I don't know what it is about her, but I was totally drawn in by her. She just seemed to radiate beauty and  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Just a small mix of songs that make me think about where my life is heading at the moment. I'm currently un-employed, 18, and don't have much of a plan or anything to actually get work. I'm kinda scare …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Some of my friends wanted copies of the "A Means To An End" cassette by gyroscope. I dont think theres a tape the right length to have just the gyro stuff on there so I'm gonna chuck on some other stuf …
Cassette | Theme - Break Up
It's not really a break-up mix because I haven't broken up witj anyone. It was originally a "sad bastard" mix because I was feeling kinda down last night and needed something to help cheer me up, but i …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
A mix my friend Bron gave to me about a year ago (actually a year and a day ago!). Doesn't seem that long ago really. It's good for a lazy sunday, very nice indeed. I don't think i ever returned the fa …
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