
Member Since: 9/13/2002
Total Mixes: 44
Total Feedback: 277

goovie's Mixes

goovie's Favorite Mixes

goovie's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another in the series of mixes for Diarylanders who wanted to know more about the music I'm always raving about over there. :)
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A tape made last summer to keep my company on my trips up and down the Jersey turnpike. Lots of songs that remind me of my boyfriend and my best friend.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The mix that got me thru a family trip out to Indiana, where my brothers go to school (and yes, "holy land" is meant in the most sarcastic way possible). Lots of music I was listening to in spring and  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix for a friend who lives too far away. She's also a friend who has amazing taste in music, so it was a challenge to make a tape full of music she didn't have already. :)
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A friend of mine asked me for some Da Vinci's Notebook. He got it. :) The other side is just stuff I thought a fellow folkie English major geek would enjoy.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another mix for a friend. I think Carbon Leaf and Deni Bonet ended up on every single mix I made this summer.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A tape for a friend in Canada. Lots of local/regional stuff, and songs by some "essential" (to me, anyway) artists she wasn't too familiar with yet. And yes, that includes the Beatles. :)
Cassette | Pop
Just a summer mix tape for a fellow Diarylander. Some of it's obvious, but all of it's fun.
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