
Member Since: 10/29/2003
Total Mixes: 21
Total Feedback: 11

motleyC's Mixes

motleyC's Favorite Mixes

motleyC's Mixes

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix was seemingly doomed from it's promising beginnings. originally, it was to be created for the immediate woo-ing and seducing of a coffee shop boy I'd been staking out. it was 2 hours of sweet, …
CD | Mixed Genre
because no wake-up mix is complete without karen o. squealing about men who are lousy in bed, and a caesar's palace tribute to whacking off. plus, who doesn't adore the fuckin' shins! xxxo. christina!
CD | Single Artist
I'm new around these parts, at least to the posting aspect. and, I'm out of the conor closet, so enjoy my selection! <3 christina
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