Pop Kulcher

Member Since: 7/1/2002
Total Mixes: 376
Total Feedback: 895

Oh, Sh*t! I'm 40! (2-cd set)

Side A
Artist Song
The Who  The Kids Are Alright (1965) 
The Beatles  Rain (1966) 
The Byrds  My Back Pages (1967) 
The Kinks  Village Green Preservation Society (1968) 
Velvet Underground  Pale Blue Eyes (1969) 
Grateful Dead  Ripple (1970) 
Paul McCartney  Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey (1971) 
Big Star  Ballad of El Goodo (1972) 
Pink Floyd  Time/Breathe reprise (1973) 
Genesis  The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (1974) 
Brian Eno  St. Elmo's Fire (1975) 
Modern Lovers  Roadrunner (1976) 
Talking Heads  Pulled Up (1977) 
The Ramones  I Wanna Be Sedated (1978) 
The Clash  Rudie Can't Fail (1979) 
Joy Division  Love WIll Tear Us Apart (1980) 
Squeeze  In Quintessence (1981) 
Elvis Costello  Beyond Belief (1982) 
R.E.M.  Radio Free Europe (1983) 
The Replacements  I Will Dare (1984) 
Camper Van Beethoven  Take The Skinheads Bowling (1985) 
Side B
The Feelies  Slipping Into Something (1986) 
Sonic Youth  Catholic Block (1987) 
Pixies  Where Is My Mind (1988) 
Yo La Tengo  Barnaby, Hardly Working (1989) 
The Connells  Sone Cold Yesterday (1990) 
Sebadoh  The Freed Pig (1991) 
Pavement  Trigger Cut (1992) 
Liz Phair  F*ck & Run (1993) 
Built To Spill  Distopian Dream Girl (1994) 
Teenage Fanclub  Sparky's Dream (1995) 
Fountains Of Wayne  Radiation Vibe (1996) 
Sleater-Kinney  Little Babies (1997) 
Neutral Milk Hotel  Holland 1945 (1998) 
Wilco  A Shot In The Arm (1999) 
Phish  First Tube (2000) 
The Shins  New Slang (2001) 
Flaming Lips  Fight Test (2002) 
Death Cab For Cutie  The Sound Of Settling (2003) 
Modest Mouse  Float On (2004) 
New Pornographers  The Bleeding Heart Show (2005) 
Matthew Sweet with Susanna Hoffs  The Kids Are Alright (2006) 


Having made 40th Birthday mixes for a few friends over the past couple years, it's finally time to make one for myself. (Though I'm still a month away from this evil landmark.) I opted for the one-song-per-year approach, and it worked out quite nicely, with just enough room for everything I wanted to include over the course of 2 discs. A couple notes:

1) I cheated a bit by including 1965 when, I should note, I was still in utero. But that helped me create a fancy bit of symmetry, starting with the original "Kids are Alright" and ending with the version from Matthew Sweet's new covers album. Besides, in George Bush's America, life begins at conception. Asshole.

2) Though some of these picks I would consider to have been the best song (or an excerpt from the best album) of a particular year, more often than not I favored something which had some specific significance for me at some point in my life.

3) The one-song-per-year artifice has a bit of a distorting effect, as some years obviously have more to choose from, and my desire to include certain artists dictated certain choices. (i.e. I would have much rather included something from Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures album, which has more significance for me the the "Tear Us Apart" single, but the album came out in 1979, and London Calling beats it out... and so on.)

4) I can't pretend that, for the first dozen or so years represented here, I was actually listening to these songs. I didn't discover rock & roll until around 1975, as my parents didn't listen to rock -- the only rock-ish album they owned was an 8-track-tape of Paul & Linda McCartney's Ram (represented here by "Uncle Albert," the mandatory inclusion of which prevented me from using something from Bowie's Hunky Dory or Genesis' Nursery Cryme</i)). And if I really wanted to represent what I was listening to in my pre-teen years, I would have ended up with a bunch of Sweet or Bay City Rollers, which, while having its time & place, would have resulted in a dramatically different mix. So, yes, a lot of the older songs here result from the later "catching up" I did in high school and college.

image for mix


Date: 4/28/2006
looks like a pretty sweet mix... I like the concept... a great variety yet everything seems like it would flow together quit nicely... props man...
Pop Kulcher
Date: 4/28/2006
There's a glitch in the comments above, which the system won't let me revise. Here were the last pair of bullet points:

4) I can't pretend that, for the first dozen or so years represented here, I was actually listening to these songs. I didn't discover rock & roll until around 1975, as my parents didn't listen to rock -- the only rock-ish album they owned was an 8-track-tape of Paul & Linda McCartney's Ram (represented here by "Uncle Albert," the mandatory inclusion of which prevented me from using something from Bowie's Hunky Dory or Genesis' Nursery Cryme). And if I really wanted to represent what I was listening to in my pre-teen years, I would have ended up with a bunch of Sweet or Bay City Rollers, which, while having its time & place, would have resulted in a dramatically different mix. So, yes, a lot of the older songs here result from the later "catching up" I did in high school and college.

Date: 4/28/2006
This is tremendous. My favorite of yours, so far. Like a fine wine...
Little Spencer Boys
Date: 4/28/2006
And I'd need three discs... though I admit to getting less musically savvy in later years. As far as the evil-ness of any birthday, well, you might be right. However, birthdays are far better than the alternative.
p the swede
Date: 4/28/2006
happy birthday, I'm way ahead of you
Mark Petruccelli
Date: 4/28/2006
Excellently done. I tried to do one of these a few months ago (of course mine would have to include a third EP single) and got hung up in the 80's Interestingly, '71, '73, '85 and '02 would have matched up exactly and '81 -'83 would probably been the same artists but different tunes.
Rob Conroy
Date: 4/28/2006
This looks great, Marc. As you know, I hit one of these landmarks myself (although not the same one) just a few days ago.
Date: 4/28/2006
Lot of great picks here. Nice one.
Date: 4/28/2006
This is great. My B-day is today and I got to say you are a mere younster but you are coming along nicely!
Lancelot Link IV1
Date: 4/28/2006
I'm joining the 40 club in 4 days, so this mix is really speaking to me. And my own musical taste converges almost exactly with yours up through 1989. Amazingly relevant and amazingly good. Glad to see I'm in such good company!
Date: 4/28/2006
Interesting to follow the progression. Nice book end. And H-B, of course!
Media Vixen: Radio Sally
Date: 4/28/2006
Media Vixen: Radio Sally
Date: 4/28/2006
Date: 4/28/2006
Happy Birthday, Pop K! Nice picks, and nice history.
Sister ZoT Jarvis
Date: 4/28/2006
concept and cover art both great. Happy 40th!!!
Date: 4/28/2006
Great great stuff, wouldn't know where to start with picking my favorite tracks here, too many. Happy 40th.
Date: 4/28/2006
Wow! Great musical journey, always wanted to do one of this year-by-year mixes myself. Congrats!
Mr. Mirage
Date: 4/29/2006
Superb mix. I may have to do one myself.Word of caution, though: the year I turned 40, my receding hairline simply fled, I had to have my two wisdom teeth pulled, my cholestorol went through the roof and I had to get trifocals.I think my warranty ran out...
Date: 4/29/2006
For your next mix I'd like to see "Great UK Music 1983-2006". The reason being, the 65-82 section of this is dominated by UK acts, then from 83 onwards TFC are your sole inclusion. We still produce great music, we really do! My opinion on this mix tho, Modest Mouse aside this is pretty much perfect. Happy impending 40th.
Date: 4/29/2006
oh man. im about to turn 30 and was thinking of doing a mix sort of like this, then i thought... "jab, youre way too lazy to do this" and then i said "wow im right i am too lazy" and then i saw how awesome this mix turned out so i think im going to do it after all. the kids are alright full circle thing is sweet (ugh no pun intended) awesome mixage and happy birfday. hey, 40 is like the new 30!
Date: 4/29/2006
The more the merrier in this none too exclusive club mon ami. Did my version of this last year (sort of) and in response to Sammy found I struggled to accommodate a British band in the last decade of sounds. A really top mix.
Date: 4/29/2006
Oh btw the last comment isn't Gobi at all, it's Frenchy out here in Dubai!
Date: 4/30/2006
Fantastic! I think I'm going to steal your concept in July when I hit the quadruple decade marker. Musicly we walked down very similar paths. I may even outright steal your picks for 1871, 84, 88, and 96 since they fit in so perfectly with where my head is/was at. I swear I played that McCartney song 50 times the first I picked up Wings Greatest Hits. And Surfer Rosa is one of my two all time favorite albums and "Radiation Vibe" might be the most perfect song ever. I have a hunch our record collections are very similar.
Mike Eternity
Date: 4/30/2006
What a sensational mix - superb idea (may I borrow it?) and such a strong cross-section of actual music that it gives me tingles. You could not have chosen better songs by The Kinks, The Clash, Fountains of Wayne, or your simply perfect 2005 selection. If I ever made a yearly compilation of my life, my songs would be so lame compared to this (and would surely feature Bay City Rollers, I'm afraid). Man. This is just cool in every way
joey de vivre
Date: 4/30/2006
Huh! After all these years, the kids are still all right!

I'd say the late 70's & early 80's come out looking best here . . .
Date: 4/30/2006
Fantastic! And don't worry, turnin' 40 only hurts for a little bit.
sport !
Date: 5/1/2006
GREAT mix and idea! I agree with Curtis about the whole 40 thing...
Planet of the Tapes
Date: 5/3/2006
Great stuff, can't imagine how much work went into this.
Date: 5/7/2006
Superb Marc. 40's a breeze. Wait till you hit 50.
Date: 5/7/2006
tough to pick one song for each year. Makes me want to try it. That'll make a great 6 cd set. I like the Modern Lovers and Replacement picks. Happy 40th!