
Member Since: 1/13/1999
Total Mixes: 63
Total Feedback: 11

Other Mixes By Chandler

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6-4-01: A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Artist Song
DJ Sine  Countermeasure 
Undercover Agent  Surface Noise 
Explosion Robinson  Glass Packs 
Pieter K  Sequence 
Keltech  Fear Mind Killer 
Nigo  March of the General 
Moblin  Air Conditioning 
Primal Scream  Swastika Eyes 
John Oswald  Brown (Public Enemy) 
DAT Politics 
Dune  Contact 
Sons of Silence  It's a Bloodbath 
Atari Teenage Riot  Rage (Vocal and Drums Mix) 
368-DX  Anarchy in the UK 


This one was made as an "ambush mix" for Candra Gill. In addition to the songs listed, there are several short bits of dialogue about Pearl Harbor (another famous ambush) in between the songs. It seemed to fit since I was being bombarded by the movie hype while making this mix. Most of the dialogue is from A&E's Bill Curtis.
image for mix


Date: 6/4/2001

You're like the Terrance Malick of Art Of the Mix. Hehehe.
Date: 6/4/2001
Hmmm...that comment could be taken in so many ways...
Date: 6/4/2001

From me it's a compliment. Doesn't do many movies but when he does, they're very good, in my opinion. Not to that extent since he's only done three movies but you get the idea. You don't oversaturate yourself and this place with useless mixes. All your mixes I've seen are top notch.
june seventeen
Date: 6/11/2001
cool, i've never heard of most of these, though. are the choppers from something radiohead-related?
Date: 7/5/2001
There are a lot of good mixes posted on this site. There are even a few great ones. Jere, you're responsible for a lot of those. I usually enjoy those great mixes. It makes me smile that we have a site through which to choose. Rarely, however, do I envy a mixer for a mix he's made. Hot Damn do I wish I made this mix. I know I haven't sent you back an ambush, but I haven't been able to come up with anything worthy. I'm working on it, though. This is one of the best mixes I've ever gotten.
Date: 7/6/2001
THanks for the kind words Candra. As soon as I made this mix, I knew I had to send it to you. You've opened my ears to a lot of cool drum n' bass stuff over the last few years. As for the cover graphic, it's from one of Radiohead's old web pages. I can't remember exactly where I snagged it from, but I know it was one of their pages.
DJ Karen Adams
Date: 7/11/2001
Yet another great mix by Jere C.

I must thank you for exposing me (huh?) to the world of Evolution Control, John Oswald and bunch of other sound manipulators/
copyright infringers. This stuff is great!! The Plunderphonics story is an interesting one. It was because of your "Victims" mix that I remembered an old splice recording (Spliceway to Heaven). I posted a message on the ECC for anyone who had it to reply and a few days later I got an answer where to download it and the rest is herstory. Thanks again. Oh yeah, the trade is in the mail.