Joe Gillis1

Member Since: 1/14/2000
Total Mixes: 932
Total Feedback: 112

Other Mixes By Joe Gillis1

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

sarah mclachlan: stumbling toward mediocrity, v. 1

Artist Song
sarah mclachlan  building a mystery 
sarah mclachlan  stupid 
sarah mclachlan  plenty 
sarah mclachlan  good enough 
sarah mclachlan  the path of thorns (terms) 
sarah mclachlan  i will not forget you 
sarah mclachlan  i will remember you 
sarah mclachlan  fear 
sarah mclachlan  gloomy sunday 
sarah mclachlan  dear god 
sarah mclachlan  angel 
sarah mclachlan [w/delerium]  silence 
sarah mclachlan  i love you 


[the other day, i realized that my sister's birthday was rapidly upcoming and that i need to burn her a cd or three. both she and her husband are fond of sarah McL, so i decided the time was nigh to work up a mix (or two). personally, i've lost faith in her in the past 4-5 years, but i still remember hearing "possession" on mtv for the first time in late '93 or early '94, and sort of a little bit falling in love w/that voice of hers. well, the voice is still there. but lordy, how lazy and mundane she has become. adult-contemporary, here she is. anyway, i hope my sister likes these.]


Date: 11/25/2003
I'll always love Touch - nothing after matters so much to me, but Surfacing has some nice stuff. But with Touch, listening to that on a Sunday morning in Ann Arbor, drinking coffee with my (now) wife, skipping through the Free Press. Those were great times.