Amy Y.

Member Since: 9/13/2003
Total Mixes: 46
Total Feedback: 55

Other Mixes By Amy Y.

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Mixed Genre

Lil' Sis mix

Artist Song
the dandy warhols  we used to be friends 
the postal service  nothing better 
hefner  i took her love for granted 
dressy bessy  live to tell all 
liz phair  6'1" 
the promise ring  skips a beat (over you) 
the new pornographers  the laws have changed 
marine research  parallel horizontal 
death cab for cutie  the sound of settling 
the jealous sound  quiet life 
pretty girls make graves  ghosts in the radio 
rilo kiley  the execution of all things 
azure ray  displaced 
mirah  engine heart 
all girl summer fun band  later operator 
magnetic fields  i think i need a new heart 
beulah  cruel minor change 
mates of state  proofs 
sleater-kinney  you're no rock n' roll fun 
aislers set  hey lover 


I made this mix for my 15 year old sister. I focused on a lot of female fronted bands to show her that there are women in music that do more than just sell their bodies/image. I tried to keep the songs short. I'm not hoping for a complete turn around in her music tastes (she likes that radio ready emo/pop punk stuff that's all over these days). I'd be happy if she expressed an interest in just two or three bands on the CD. (december 2003)


Date: 12/16/2003
man you're little sister is a lucky lucky girl to have a cool older sister like you!! i don't see how she couldn't like at least a few of these bands, nicely done!