The Brash Blend of Winkle and Bull

Artist Song
Sandy Bull  No Deposit-No Return Blues 
Sandy Bull   Triple Ballade 
Sandy Bull  Non Nobis Domine 
Sandy Bull  Blend 
Sandy Bull  Electric Blend 
Sandy Bull  Blend II 
Sandy Bull  Memphis, Tennessee 
Sandy Bull  Manha de Carnival 
Sandy Bull  Carmina Burana Fantasy 
Sandy Bull  Little Maggie 
Sandy Bull   Gospel Tune 


Simply a homage to a great...


Date: 2/23/2004
Great indeed. Very nice.
Josh Davis
Date: 2/26/2004
Great tribute to an underated guitar/ banjo player. Tis a pitty that Mr. Bull has fallen off the face of the earth, not to be heard from again. I believe he had a drug/heroin problem that manifested itself in the 70's. No?
Rob Conroy
Date: 4/4/2005
Note to Josh: Sandy Bull has disappeared from the face of the earth because he's dead; but yes, he did have a heroin problem back in the day. At anyr rate, this is fantastic, Mr. chug. In fact, I'd really like to raid your Sandy Bull collection... I heard you had a party on Saturday. Jen & I thought of crashing it (or, more accurately, *I* was thinking of crashing it), but decided against the idea. At any rate, feel free to get in touch at any time... I still have a Skip Spence record dubbed for you and probably some other stuff dating back to 2/04.