sarah 1

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 21
Total Feedback: 3

sarah 1's Mixes

sarah 1's Favorite Mixes

sarah 1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Emmy says this mix is for true rockers. Side one is the first CD and side two is the second
CD | Singer/Songwriter
I've taken up the bluegrass fiddle (and violin too, of course), and so I've been listening to everything that has one in it. Plus, I saw Nickel Creek live several months ago - Chris Thile is the mandol …
CD | Single Artist
Like the Eagles mix, some of my favorite Greatful Dead songs to fill the gap in my CD collection
CD | Single Artist
Probably the most well known Eagles songs; something my CD collection lacked.
CD | Mixed Genre
I had an amazing spring break this year with some amazing people building a Habitat house down on the coast of SC. These are the songs that most attributed to the feeling.
CD | Single Artist
Do note that this is not the Canadian David Wilcox. This is a family friend who I had not realized was so well-known. With that said, Julia was talking about getting an accoustic guitar & starting to e …
CD | Mixed Genre
There is no explanation for the title
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Originally, I was going to put Bright Eyes 'Emily, sing something sweet' on the tape (as the first song) but decided not to. It was a Christmas present for my friend Emmy (Emily - hence the title). I t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this might of well have been the best of..
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