Hans Stroo

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 4

Hans Stroo's Mixes

Hans Stroo's Favorite Mixes

Hans Stroo's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Do you feel like absolute shit? So did I. For about a year or so! I never listened to rap music cause i thought it was retarded but then i realized that there are some genuine poets out there in the ge …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
okay.. for all you who dismissed me as a raper of soundtracks.. oh wait.. oh la la... rushmore... oh well... i hope you enjoy. if you want to take a risk and download all these songs onto a disk and bu …
CD | Mixed Genre
this was kind of slapped together but it came out suprisingly well... i always listen to this when i get up in the morning and get on my bus and go to school... it has a lot of sublime... sublime's eas …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is an awesome mix. trust me. all quality songs. it'll take you a few listens to take a shining to each one but this didn't leave my cd player for 3 months... depressing, eclectic, and beautiful...