Paul Gibson

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

Paul Gibson's Mixes

Paul Gibson's Favorite Mixes

Paul Gibson's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
Mixed by myself one hot afternoon this summer - just my favourite chill out tracks. Memories of Ibiza, and perfect for Sunday mornings and lazy evenings.
Cassette | Single Artist
The title says it all!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A tape I made for someone special, when our relationship was in its dying moments. All the songs contain feelings of loss and regret, and maybe an element of hope, too. The title comes from a Verve lyr …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this tape in the autumn of 1997. When Princess Di died that summer, Radio 1 spent a few days playing music that, although contempory, was a little more sombre than usual. Taking their cue, I com …