
Member Since: 3/2/2001
Total Mixes: 35
Total Feedback: 40

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SteelyJack's Mixes

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SteelyJack's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
-----------sorry about the bad link on the first one; i fudged the title============= Made this after seeing "Waking Life" for the first time. Beautiful flick. Needless to say, I was in a creative fram …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I hate Tie Domi. And the Maple Thugs, er, Leafs.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The "Untitled" Aphex Twin tracks come from Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2.
Cassette | Theme
This is a little valentine I am sending, with intentions, to a certain young lady I fancy. Wish me luck.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Part One: Finally, got around to doing a Radiohead mix of their last two albums, one, amazing, the other, pretty darn good. Haven't heard the live one yet. Anyone who's heard it, lemme know if it's wor …
Cassette | Theme
Umlaut's, for those who do not know, are those two little dots found over certain letters. Motorhead, Husker Du, as well as Motley Crue and Spinal Tap, use the Umlaut. It looks like a colon turned hori …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix to made while watching the opening of the Stanley Cup playoffs last night. Watched the poor Kings get hammered. Go Devils!!! steely
Cassette | Mixed Genre
"If you want to work here, close! If not, your gonna be shining my shoes." Glengarry Glen Ross and this tape I made the other night (see Happiness Is A Warm Guitar) gave me the inspiration for THIS tap …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The idea, All Guitars - All The Time (hardly an original), sprang forth out of the title of the first cut. Thus, "Happiness Is A Warm Guitar". Put some of my favorite Guitar songs and sounds on one mix …
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