David Taylor

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 0

David Taylor's Mixes

David Taylor's Favorite Mixes

David Taylor's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Hey there. I've been meaning to make this mix for years. These are some of my favorite tracks for the very late, LATE night. Kinda down but they keep you awake because they're so dark. Other good stuff …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix I made for Candra Gill for a trade we're doing. I like this one so I figured I'd post it. I edited the end of "More, More, More" so it wouldn't fade out, it would just kinda keep going an …
CD | Single Artist
This is a mix of Soul Coughing b-sides, unreleased tracks and live stuff. It's not quite complete but most of the non-album stuff that's available is here, not counting bad quality live recordings that …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a slightly altered version of a mix I made as an introduction to the music I was listening to around the time I met my ex-fiance. It was originally on a tape and had a few extra songs but this  …
CD | Single Artist
This is an overview mix of Aimee's stuff I made for my car. I love her stuff so much but I'm sick of carrying 5 or 6 discs with me. I meant for there to be more Til Tuesday stuff on here but it just di …
Cassette | Single Artist
Hey there. This mix is actually 2 compact discs, so if you're looking at it thinking, "how did he fit all this stuff on one disc?", it's because I didn't. I made this collection for a friend who knew n …