talia j

Member Since: 3/15/2001
Total Mixes: 66
Total Feedback: 10

talia j's Mixes

talia j's Favorite Mixes

talia j's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
yesterday the rains came- the first of the season. the air smells so lovely right now, and the light is that pale, pale gray. after the past month, there's something remarkable about being able to brea …
CD | Mixed Genre
i dig this. it's very much a late night brooding mix. excellent for insomnia, if you're the sort to perversely enjoy it. the title is from a song calvin johnson sang at the closing performance of club  …
CD | Mixed Genre
two things happened more or less at the same time. 1) i got my license, however belatedly; 2) i decided to make a mix for my friend sam, who i associate very closely with the sensation of g-force press …
CD | Mixed Genre
made for a trade with rob conroy, a man of varied and discerning tastes which don't seem to mesh entirely with mine. *grin* a fair amount of this i think he'll like, a few things i have no idea about,  …
CD | Theme - Narrative
this was originally conceived as a sort of companion disc to "fingers stab the map like hope." it turned into something completely different. tolstoy once said that there were only two stories in all l …
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre
made for a trade with a girl who asked for things she hadn't heard before that i thought she'd like. knowing very little about her tastes, i went bravely forth and skimmed the track listings of her 68  …
CD | Mixed Genre
i had to get a few mp3s off my computer for a tape i was making, and i couldn't bring myself to burn a three-track cd, so i threw a bunch of other stuff into some semblance of order and ended up with t …
CD | Mixed Genre
for a friend about to leave for a month in italy. i wanted to give her stuff she hadn't heard (which is quite the challenge, with this girl.) here's hoping i managed. title stolen from an ntozake shang …
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