talia j

Member Since: 3/15/2001
Total Mixes: 66
Total Feedback: 10

talia j's Mixes

talia j's Favorite Mixes

talia j's Mixes

CD | Theme - Narrative
A few of my friends are very talented amateur writers, and I've taken to making soundtracks for their longers works. This is for a rather dark, chilling little series about a detective, a thief, and a  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a mix for c., posted to prove i haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre
made for a trade with the automatic bzooty crew. it's all over the fucking place, or maybe in only four places but all at the same time. title from _infinite jest_ (footnote 110).
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a quite-belated birthday gift for lyndsay brown. as the title would indicate, this mix is about her. it's probably not of interest to anyone who doesn't know her, but software updates are givin …
CD | Theme
i've been itching to make this mix ever since i got back to the bay area for the summer.
CD | Theme
a mix made a couple of weeks ago for mr. rob conroy, prompted by a comment he made last summer about "catholic block." i originally intended this to be a critical look at organized religion in general, …
CD | Mixed Genre
made for a trade with an old friend from high school. it's a little scattered, but it flows well enough. in one week, i think i'll either be in love with this mix, or have forgotten about it entirely.  …
CD | Mixed Genre
songs on my computer that i wanted for the long haul down to the bay area. the order's nothing world-shaking, but the tracks are all good. the hated includes the man behind ida. the good life's got the …
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