Holden Rex

Member Since: 3/20/2001
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 6

Holden Rex's Mixes

Holden Rex's Favorite Mixes

Holden Rex's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Like a good number of people, I've become fascinated with the Anna Nicole Smith case. I mean - c'mon - how can you stay on the sidelines when Zha-Zha Gabor's husband pops up? Frankly, up until her deat …
CD | Theme
This is another mix for Autumn, but unlike my earlier one - which celebrates the transition from Summer to Autumn and the eye-popping colors of the leaves - this is a mix for late Autumn. This is for w …
CD | Theme
My attempt to cobble together a lounge-type mix. Why Larry Tate from "Bewitched" you may ask? Well, there always seemed to be a lot of consuming of martinis and other cocktails in those shows, usually  …
CD | Theme
Yet another Halloween mix, but what the hell - it's my favorite time of the year!
CD | Theme
My little ode to Autumn. Title lifted from a line in my favorite autumnal book, Ray Bradbury's "The Halloween Tree."
CD | Theme
I finally got around to making a mix CD showcasing Peter Gabriel's penchant for writing songs with watery themes and imagery. At various points I had included but removed some of his more obvious aquat …
Cassette | Theme
Late Spring has been a cold, rainy mess lately so I put together a mix of songs that remind me of what this time of year should feel like. Also doubles as a hiking/driving tape.
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
This is a mix tape for a project I did about 10 years ago for an "Interartistic Comparison" class I took. The point of the course was to study and make comparisons between works of art in completely di …
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
I wanted my first mix tape for the site to be fairly simple, so I decided to do a tape of covers, though you could argue about the "cover" status of some. Anyway, I noticed that a lot of my favorite tu …
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