Gordon K

Member Since: 4/12/2001
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 0

R&R Online (where I learn and talk about pop music http://www.rronline.com
FreakyTrigger (for musical opinions) http://www.freakytrigger.com
TerpIdiots (all about College Park/Maryland) http://www.terpidiots.com

Gordon K's Mixes

Gordon K's Favorite Mixes

Gordon K's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Mellow summer music, with some bursts of aggression and excitement.
CD | Mixed Genre
The first mix I've made that comes close to covering the full range of my musical taste
CD | Mixed Genre
Euphoric new wave, older and newer
CD | Mixed Genre
Some warm-weather folk-rock with an underlying travel theme. I kinda arranged the CD by the types of artists. The transition between tracks 2 and 3 is a little abrupt but otherwise it's pretty smooth.
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
the first audio CD I burned, just some smooth feel-good hip-hop that I don't hear enough