
Member Since: 4/12/2001
Total Mixes: 90
Total Feedback: 7

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popquizkid's Mixes

popquizkid's Favorite Mixes

popquizkid's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
the idea for the first and last songs came from my girlfriend remarking that they sounded alike. the rest of the songs are basically showcasing the new music i've recently gotten with some good ol' fav …
CD | Single Artist
kinda funny how two years ago i thought this was one of the worst bands ever.
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix and left it my college's public library with a tag on it that said "take me!" i didn't leave any way to contact me -- just hopes that someone out there enjoyed some new music.
CD | Mixed Genre
it's 3:39 am.
CD | Mixed Genre
spring break kinda/sorta road trip. yay.
Cassette | Theme
this mix came about after a friend suggested we make an unadulturatd mix that represented ourselves in tape format. due to my obsessive infatuation with couples and the highs and lows of their relation …
CD | Mixed Genre
i haven't made a real mix in a while... title taken from "amazing grace", which chan marshall borrows in "metal heart"
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this with the intent of trying to mix as many genres of music as i could along with throwing in shorter "rock" songs by bands that don't usually rock that much. also tried to pick some songs tha …
CD | Mixed Genre
christmas / nawakwa mix.
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