
Member Since: 4/12/2001
Total Mixes: 90
Total Feedback: 7

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popquizkid's Mixes

popquizkid's Favorite Mixes

popquizkid's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a proper mix (in contrast to the last one i posted here, which was assembled in about ten minutes at 2:00 am) that, as usual, combines the best of what i've been listening to lately with a few old favo …
CD | Mixed Genre
the latest installment of "quiet" mixes i like to make from time to time to listen to as i'm going to sleep or walking around in the rain on sad, dreary days. this one's heavy on the pedal steel.
CD | Theme
a friend had been telling me how much he liked a mix i made for him, and i was itching to make a sad mix, so i decided to make a themed one: what would you want to listen to if you felt as if there was …
CD | Mixed Genre
name taken from the mountain goats song. this mix will accompany my girlfriend and i as we tackle the highways of wisconsin and michigan.
CD | Mixed Genre
title taken from the first track. i was trying to go for a leaving/rural hometown/backwoods country kind of feel but i think i failed. oh well.
CD | Mixed Genre
in 2000 bloodshot records released a 2-dsic set with 41 tracks that was made up of one song by anybody who had ever contributed to anything they released over the previous five years. i made a "best-of …
CD | Mixed Genre
a very fast mix thrown together randomly. name comes from the mountain goats song.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
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