
Member Since: 5/10/2001
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 29

Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogostick

Shoop's Mixes

Shoop's Favorite Mixes

Shoop's Mixes

Mini-Disc | Single Artist
I've just started to get into XTC, so this is just a prelim mix until I get more CD's. These songs are from Upsy Daisy Assortment. I have the complete disc on this minidisc, but have programmed just th …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
Initially, I was thinking of putting together an energy mix, songs that make me feel good and that I like to listen to at the highest volume. But somewhere my motivation died and this is what I'm left  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this mix in December of '96 when I was studying abroad, so I only had a limited number of CD's with me. Which is why this mix breaks my number one rule of never using the same artist twice in a  …