
Member Since: 3/13/1999
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 13

McDermott 's Mixes

McDermott 's Favorite Mixes

McDermott 's Mixes

Cassette | World
Made to trade for a similar mix by Falstaff, with electronic-laced world beat and minor detour selections that fit the sound. Elton John fans will recognize this mix's title as a line from Captain Fant …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Many compilations, tributes and "best-of" CDs come out in the early part of a year, so this 1HX is full of reissue stuff, plus a Pearl Jam member's side project (that doesn't suck!) and the latest from …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I spoke too soon last time; now, THIS represents the last of '99 for 1HX. Included is a few reissued classics, a few regional indie releases, and a hilarious guest shot from the funnier half of PE. Eac …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This edition of 1HX has a great boxrocker from two hip-hop producers, rap-metal from a reluctant porn star, one of the last tracks you'll hear from Freaky Tah (RIP), and one of the few succinct songs o …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I guess I lost interest in making these samplers, but decided to start again when I found myself wanting to hear a tune from demo copies I had already sold off. So we're playing catch-up from the middl …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Oops, I've slacked up - summer's here and all that jazz. Anyway, this edition of 1HX has Weezer from a Pixies tribute CD, the man who is said to have given Belushi and Aykroyd the Blues Brothers idea,  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This edition of 1HX has a bit of symmetry - each side starts with a reknowned Seattle guitarist/singer, recorded live and introducing new cuts. Beyond that, it's willy-nilly - blues from a cab driver,  …
Cassette | Pop
I'm a pop fan, but not all pop is sweet and fizzy.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cuts from CDs sent to me for review. A bit of everything, and that's the point - rock to hip-hop, electronica to piano ballads. New and re-issue, national, local, indie or big-label. More to come.
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