Dayna Vanna

Member Since: 5/27/2001
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 1

Dayna Vanna's Mixes

Dayna Vanna's Favorite Mixes

Dayna Vanna's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix I made for a girl who I love too much who's been going through a lot of stress and sadness. I tried to include songs that couldn't possibly make anyone sad... you know, just a feel-good m …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
Ok, so not impressively creative, but it works.
CD | Theme
This is how I felt after our weekend together. Read the lyrics and it reads like a narrative, I suppose. "That which does not kill you makes you stronger." That's all I have to say.
CD | Theme
I don't think I have ever missed someone so much. I went a long time thinking that I was ok with distance, and then one day, all of a sudden, I just needed to see her. Funny thing is, she needed to see …
CD | Theme
When you desire something/someone you can't have, life is complicated. This mix was titled Simplicity and created in an attempt to help myself get over a crush. What ended up happening was, I gave the  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for a girl I had a crush on. She was very sad one evening, and this was the attempt to cheer her up. I don't think it worked at the time, but I still thought it was a nice enough gestur …
CD | Mixed Genre
This girl is amazing... you have no idea.
CD | Theme
"I am leaving in the morning, so let's not be shy." This mix was made for a girl I know... Possibly one of the best themed mixes I've created. Pretty self-explanatory.
CD | Electronic - Ambient
No creative title. Just a chill mix I made for a friend of mine.
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