
Member Since: 6/3/2001
Total Mixes: 51
Total Feedback: 156

Another Light That Shines (livejournal)

AdamC's Mixes

AdamC's Favorite Mixes

AdamC's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Peter gave this to me for my 18th birthday back in May; and since he hasn't posted it on AOTM yet, I thought I should go ahead. It's pretty damn good.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another 19th birthday mix, for a different girl - she likes Cat Stevens, Belle 'n' Seb and The Beach Boys, among others. The title, pretentiously enough, comes from Tennyson's "In Memoriam" (surely the …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A 19th birthday mix for a girl who likes Belle And Sebastian, The Beautiful South, Elliott Smith and so forth ...
Mini-Disc | Theme - Road Trip
Okay, so it's not technically a "road trip", I guess - but I'm paying a visit to Cambridge (where I start studying English this October) this weekend, and a musical accompaniment could come in handy on …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Title from the James Taylor song.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Regarding the title: I honestly did have that conversation with the recipient of this mix. Oh - and I know that the Springsteen pick is painfully unoriginal, but hey, sometimes these things just happen …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The title comes from a Wendy Cope poem, "From June To December".
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The tracklisting came together pretty much backwards, which might be interesting to some people. The title's a PG Wodehouse quip, of all things ...
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Pseudo-lullabies and glimmers in the darkness. Title courtesy of Emily Bronte.
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