
Member Since: 6/3/2001
Total Mixes: 51
Total Feedback: 156

Another Light That Shines (livejournal)

AdamC's Mixes

AdamC's Favorite Mixes

AdamC's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
A Shawn Mullins tape could be anything from rainswept, pitch-black melancholia to an ultra-tuneful bucket of fun. This covers as many bases as possible while still maintaining a coherent feel; there ar …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This had the same destinations as SC1; the Indigo Girls overload was requested, while the Cowboy Junkies overload was a judgement call. It meant that the mix is less diverse and interesting than its pr …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I wouldn't go so far as to call this a "comfort tape", although that was the original intention - just how many people has Alice Cooper comforted over the years? And it's certainly not comforting to th …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My dad's usual automobile listening experience involves horrible business strategy tapes that, I think, no-one could tolerate forever. So, I put together this tape for him - there are different reasons …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A friend of mine has recently started singing in a folk band of sorts - I wanted to put together some songs that she could conceivably perform. The MBV track was stretching it a bit, I know.
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
This went from a "songs-with-one-word-in-the-title" mix to a series of songs whose titles, when read in order, are loosely interconnecting keywords - while the songs aren't necessarily depressing on th …
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