k. paws

Member Since: 6/18/2001
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 10

she's got some sharp teeth http://kittenjaws.diaryland.com

k. paws's Mixes

k. paws's Favorite Mixes

k. paws's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
half medication for myself and half a mixtape i'd been promising one of my friends. i ended up listening to hours of the wedding present and also deciding that 'ever fallen in love' is perhaps one of t …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
for my best friend cheyanne's 20th birthday
Cassette | Mixed Genre
there is a music for summer nights in manhattan with the sound of rumbling garbage trucks and far away construction.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
some great songs. mile me deaf and warsaw alone have gotten me through countless car rides. made it for one of my best friends, andy on his last birthday. he's all steve albini and such things but now  …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
for my friend rachel on 10.4.00. she wanted to hear some of the indiepop i had as well as some other stuff. i realize its kinda all over the place, but everyone needs to have a kiss-offs song, you know …
Cassette | Theme - Break Up
i made this for my friend jen over a year ago after her boyfriend broke up with her. ironicly enough, she never listened to the tape and they got back together...
Cassette | Mixed Genre
"a lot of people say she's crazy, and i know a lot of people, and i think she's alright." hi andy wherever you are.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
this is back from the summer of 98 i think. and no i didnt make it. but its one of my favorite. oh how very indie rock.