
Member Since: 7/2/2001
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 66

The DMB Tour Almanac

Anthony16's Mixes

Anthony16's Favorite Mixes

Anthony16's Favorite Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
It's an inspiring Beatles mix. What can I say, it's great!
CD | Experimental
Great Beatles mix. I like how it's a run-on sentence and has good songs in it too.
Cassette | Single Artist
I love this split in Beatles songs. Half John songs, half Paul songs with 2 co-written bonus songs in there. A mix like this reminds me why I'm here.
MP3 Playlist | Theme
Ah yes, the muppets. This one takes me back to the earlier days of my life and reminds me how much easier things were then. I just like the idea of a muppets mix. Great job on this one. Wish I'd thought of it myself.
CD | Mixed Genre
Not only are most of the songs on this mix the greatest that Irishogre has heard, they're also some of the greatest songs I've heard. And it gets bonus points for including Dave Matthews.
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
I am of the opinion that the Neptunes are one of the best producers the popular music business has ever seen. That in mind, I've always wanted to make a mix of all their best songs, and here it is. This basically sums it all up.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I love this mix. This would be the perfect mix to give a friend of mine who loves all 3 of these bands. I love 'em too, but it would be perfect. Nice selevtions of songs for all 3 groups on this one.
CD | Single Artist
This one is great. It works very well as a companion to Beatles 1 and the artwork is great!
CD | Mixed Genre
I can't get over this mix!!! It just looks like it's great. And the artwork is breathtaking. This one really made me stop in my tracks. Good Job!!!
by Hamlin
CD | Mixed Genre
This seems just like a mix I could've made, and it sounds good enough to me. Good job on this one.
CD | Mixed Genre
Taking the already classic "Dark Side of the Moon" and juxtaposing it with all these songs like this, is just amazing in theory, and probably more amazing in practice.