
Member Since: 7/2/2001
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 66

The DMB Tour Almanac

Anthony16's Mixes

Anthony16's Favorite Mixes

Anthony16's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Just a mix of random Beatles songs I felt like hearing at the time. I ended up giving this one to my dad for Christmas.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
My sister made this mix for the journey to our family reunion.
CD | Mixed Genre
My sister wanted me to make this mix in response to my 16 Squared mix. So I did it, and added a few that she might like as well.
Cassette | Theme
I had real fun making this CD with my sister and my mom. We all just came up with different themes that "needed" to be on here and this is the final product.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another one of my mixes from 8th grade. A friend of mine asked me for this one, they were a fan of the Rock. So I named it the people's mix tape. I wanted to have the first few tracks relate with money …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
I made this tape 2 years ago for my friend who was going to New York on a school field trip. The tape could kinda be listed under alternating DJ because he gave me a list of songs to put on there and t …
Cassette | Hip Hop/Rap
I made this one near the end of my 8th grade days. I had barrowed a bunch of the CDs that these songs come from at the time. I ended up buying them thanks to this tape.
CD | Theme
After you see the setlist, the title really speaks for itself. I hope to make a series out of this. This was a fun set to make. About the source problem with Interstate Love Song, it sounds so much lik …
Cassette | Pop
When I made this tape I was about to go to the Summer Sanitarium tour that featured KoRn and Metallica. I wanted to make a mix that would feature just those two bands. So, here it is.
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