
Member Since: 7/5/2001
Total Mixes: 136
Total Feedback: 977

comicspace! yeah yeahhh http://www.comicspace.com/jab

jab's Mixes

jab's Favorite Mixes

jab's Mixes

CD | Theme
self hate and enjoyment for reading in shadows, driving in rain and self loathing blog writing lol. "have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, in the face and just go...you are GARBAGE?" -jim nor …
CD | Single Artist
this was hard. bachmann is great. I wish there were more room for more crooked fingers, cause crooked fingers is the shit. but hey.
CD | Mixed Genre
for friend luis. strange flow but it works somehow, bending the cardboard to make the pieces fit. the cash/strummer collab. rocks my tippitoes. wasn't making mashups once called djing? dub makes me hap …
CD | Mixed Genre
for friend ramses. good time fun tunes. you got what you wanted...
CD | Theme
companion to adeline's no boys allowed mix- all girl singers. thats all. rock. props to popquizkid for the kimya and pozatronic for lending me the ultradope jem cd. later precious.
CD | Mixed Genre
new p.c.+80 times the space and speed= mixes!! woo. yeah we'll see how long that lasts lol. but anyways, till its sad and inevitable demise here is a mix for mr. birdy, also known as pozatronic. yay. h …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the end of summer. cold morning college air. driving around. waiting in lines of cars. going on the computer. the merry-go-round. goodbye, summer. goodbye beach. let's play it out till the next year.
Cassette | Single Artist
isnt bad religion just the greatest thing ever? yes. now more than ever, in these times we need them, to show us the way. fuck yeah. in order of appearance, minus that last song. and yeah, nothing from …
CD | Single Artist
no disrespect lol sorry ma i just had to do it. The Ultimate Mix Challenge, done with fishbone: 1. Your favorite song with the name of a city in the title or text. 2. A song you've listened to repeated …
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