
Member Since: 7/5/2001
Total Mixes: 136
Total Feedback: 977

comicspace! yeah yeahhh http://www.comicspace.com/jab

jab's Mixes

jab's Favorite Mixes

jab's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
another mix for the leaving girl, this one not so heavy on the lovey? songs. as always, mega props and shout outs and holla backs to adeline, pozatronic, and popquizkid for some highly dope rad tracks. …
CD | Theme - Romantic
romantic mix? maybe. it's how im feeling so i guess thats how ill categorise it. this mix is for that one girl, the one from last summer, as she again leaves for college, trailing uncertainties behind  …
CD | Single Artist
for tara, because she rocks.and sleater rocks. made from what i had on cd. rock.
CD | Mixed Genre
another mix for popquizkid brian. this one, like so many others is kinda all over the place. i like it, hope he digs it as well. (orig. title -the two tapers)but new funnier titles are better lol
Cassette | Single Artist
oh lordy, do i love shudder to think. one of the first bands i ever really got into. from amazing post-punk beginnings to "math rock" genius to glammed out sexy boys with melodies (michael stipe easily …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
wow. my first cassette mix in more than a year, and boy did it feel good. this mix is for brian wrobel, to whom i've owed mixes to for about...um....hmm...(a while. think years). with this one i was tr …
CD | Mixed Genre
the wake up mix. destined to actually get me out of bed as my stereo's timer clicks on in the morning, blasting these sounds. i hope. perhaps i wont be getting up at the crack of noon anymore lol. coul …
CD | Mixed Genre
heh. a theme mix not about the movie, but the title of the movie. i realized i never posted this one, so i figured since i've made the companion to this mix i might as well post it now.
CD | Theme
murray was robbed. i had a pic of the lost in translation poster for the cover but it wouldn't upload. :/
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