
Member Since: 7/27/2001
Total Mixes: 42
Total Feedback: 13

chip6061's Mixes

chip6061's Favorite Mixes

chip6061's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I've begun taking all my old high-school era mixtapes and converting them to CDs. This is the first to get the modernization. After all these years, I still dig the mix. (Anything in my list of mixes w …
CD | Mixed Genre
Yet another of my old mixtape to CD conversions.
CD | Single Artist
Wheeee! After a long time of no mix making, I return with one I made months ago, but had never labeled or listed. A collection of Cliff Burton-era Metallica tunes. Or, Metallica songs that are actually …
CD | Electronic
This is an update of my original "hogtied" mix tape from a few years back. I added quite a bit of newer stuff to fill up 2 CDs. CD 2 begins with Orbital's "Belfast."
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre
My first A to Z mix. It was a lot harder than I expected. It jumps around in style a bunch, but it's fun to listen to.
CD | Mixed Genre
Just a bunch of songs I've always intended to put on mixes, but never did. It jumps around alot, and it doesn't always make sense. But then again, neither do I.
CD | Single Artist
I recently got on a NIN kick, and decided to make this. It's good to rediscover music. Particularly good music. The title is from "The Great Below." (BTW, the red line under "Starfuckers, Inc." isn't o …
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