
Member Since: 7/27/2001
Total Mixes: 42
Total Feedback: 13

chip6061's Mixes

chip6061's Favorite Mixes

chip6061's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Single artist mix #2 for me... Kind of a combination of "Staring At The Sea" and "Galore." I left off some other good songs in order to keep this CD... less upbeat, maybe? Anyway, I realize that the ti …
CD | Mixed Genre
a "fun to listen to" mix, but I have to admit... the Ozzy to Alien Ant Farm transition is a big jump. =)
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
from old skool to new.
CD | Dance - House
A mix of "white label" stuff I got from the internet. It's all good stuff. Most of these artists I wouldn't listen to normally, but add some beats, catchy hooks and some cheesy effects, and I'm there.  …
CD | Electronic
Yet another electronic mix with a car related title.
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
Second all-cover CD I've made, and it's fun. Most of the covers sound pretty different from the originals, which is what I think a good cover should do.
CD | Single Artist
So... Yeah. The first single artist compilation I ever do... Iron Maiden. Go me.
CD | Mixed Genre
my crazy mixing again... It all flows together pretty nicely, actually.
CD | Mixed Genre
Ummm... Yeah, Limp Bizkit. I ended a CD with Limp Bizkit.
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