
Member Since: 7/30/2001
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 3

zarz's Mixes

zarz's Favorite Mixes

zarz's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Another old cd found
CD | Theme
Going through old CDs I found a bunch of unlabelled mix CDs from years ago. I hardly ever label my CD's, so it's an extra treat trying to figure out which CD it was. I'm pretty good at pinpointing what …
CD | Theme
Part One of a two CD collection of Canadian songs I'm sending to a friend who lives in the US so she can hear the stuff she misses out on.
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm operating sound for the play we're performing this week. One of the bonuses of this duty is getting to choose what music is played before the play, during intermission, and after the play. Because  …
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this mix for a friend. She has had a lot of stuff on her mind lately, and I thought she could use a pump up. So I tried to add a bunch of songs that she liked, and that I thought she might like. …
CD | Mixed Genre
I made this the night before the first day of school. I was bored.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I got bored one afternoon and decided to make a mixed tape of songs, alphabetically by artist. The title is from the first line of "Subterranian Homesick Blues" with a little twist... <'alphabet' inste …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A sort of work in progress for when I go to Europe in a few weeks... I imagine myself looking out the window of the plane, listening to this music during the overnight flight to Frankfurt while everyon …