
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 11
Total Feedback: 1

Syracuse Community Radio

bort's Mixes

bort's Favorite Mixes

bort's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Punk
Really this is a garage mix. Didn't see "garage" as a choice so i made it punk. There's enough blood and sweat and snot to make it stick. One of my favorite mixes I've made.
CD | Country
I made this for my wife's grandfather's 75th birthday. Really it's a country/bluegrass/roots mix. Good stuff.
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
still going strong
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
the hits just keep on hittin
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
this is the kind of hip-hop i like. lots of fast mcs, fun djs...mind blowingly good listen.
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
I think the title is self explanatory here. I tried to find really really solo stuff (and acoustic if possible) and not something like, well, Liz Phair who is billed by herself even though she plays wi …
CD | Mixed Genre
My personal greatest hits collection compiled from the "Little Darla Has A Treat For You" samplers. This is the elite of elite in indie pop, twee, jangle guitar, and electronic pop stuff. One of my fav …
CD | Mixed Genre
i throw around the term "power pop" a lot but i find it hard to describe it when someone asks me what it is. problem solved now that i have this disc. i'll just give them a copy and let them see the fu …
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