Randy Unplugged

Member Since: 2/19/2004
Total Mixes: 20
Total Feedback: 17

Randy Unplugged's Mixes

Randy Unplugged's Favorite Mixes

Randy Unplugged's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This one's more straightforward rock'n'roll.
CD | Mixed Genre
Part two tends toward lusher, gentler songs, with a few exceptions.
CD | Mixed Genre
Part one. No theme except a little bit of anti-war continuity right there in the middle.
CD | Theme
Songs about love getting darker and darker, coming out of a self-destructive impulse, I guess.
CD | Single Artist
This is how I would have made an LP out of the two Love Is Hell EPs. As good as Wonderwall is, it's still a cover so I didn't think it belonged. I think The Shadowlands is a little unnecessary, and twe …
CD | Mixed Genre
If I had a favorite band, they would fit this range of humor, volume, and subject matter. So if anyone knows a band that would work here, please let me know by commenting.
CD | Single Artist
I made this for a friend that hadn't heard any of Derek's stuff before. I'm a big fan and love the songs he wrote and sang with Caedmon's Call, so I made an overview CD for her. I wish I had some more  …
CD | Single Artist
I was a HUGE Pumpkins fan back in the mid to late 90s... so recently I pulled out Mellon Collie. In my opinion, it works well as a grand statement because the lyrics are a little over the top anyway. B …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Mixing up the music with the roll-down-the-windows-and-scream music.