
Member Since: 3/6/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

bombette's Mixes

bombette's Favorite Mixes

bombette's Mixes

CD | Theme - Narrative
I made this for my husband. It slowly tells the tale of our relationship. I know you don't give a fuck about that part, but the music is choice so pay attention.
CD | Theme
Would you like to know what a dorkfuck I was? Before the gorgeousness of modern technology I would sit by the TV with one of those huge, obnoxious tape decks and record some of these songs so I could l …
CD | Electronic - Industrial
Much like my "So Goth You'll Shit Bats" mix, this one pokes a bit of fun at the repetitive DJs who spin some of these records to death - though it's not to say they aren't fantastic tracks. This is par …
CD | Alternative - Goth Rock
Obviously I chose the category of "goth" with a wry smile. This is a set you'd probably hear in a club amid a sea of fishnet and clove stench. I made this mix specifically for a friend (hi John!) but i …