
Member Since: 3/8/2004
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 3

My lame little corner of the internet
A Dent in the Tori Amos Universe

Alannah's Mixes

Alannah's Favorite Mixes

Alannah's Mixes

CD | Hip Hop/Rap
I made this for my sister because she started liking some rap and I thought she needed to hear some of the classics. I threw some r&b and lamer stuff in there so that she wouldn't think it was too "gan …
CD | Pop
Made for a friend who couldn't download music (***I have to add that I only download stuff that is unreleased or pre-releases so that I can be a rabid fan and hear them before I buy them, but I buy EVE …
CD | Theme
This was the last mix I made for the mixed cd swap group I belonged to. The theme this time was "links"--you were supposed to link each subsequent song together by its title or subject or something. I  …
CD | Mixed Genre
I participated in a "lesser-known artists" cd trade with about 15 people on a bulletin board I used to frequent. We sent our mix on to the next person and kept passing them on (supposedly) until everyo …
CD | Theme
Another cd made for the mix cd swap I was a part of. The theme was "April showers" so I just made it about the weather (because I've already done a bunch of mixes about rain). Originally made for Steve …
CD | Theme
I belonged to a cd mix swap group for a while, and the "assignment" for this mix was to start and end with the same song done by two different people. So I took that and made the whole mix be about cov …
CD | Mixed Genre
Originally made in a mix trade for Evan.
CD | Mixed Genre
Originally made for a trade with Camille.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for my friend Al. It's too choppy and therefore not my favourite mix.
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