
Member Since: 8/31/2001
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

saki's Mixes

saki's Favorite Mixes

saki's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i decided to make my boyfriend i cd showing him the way i felt about him. the adam sandler song was just for a joke because we're cool like that. anyway, i gave it to him and he loved it. he said it wa …
CD | Theme - Romantic
iknowiknow. but my boyfriend gave this to me last night and said he wanted me to have it so i'll know exactly how he feels about me. aww! so i thought i'd put it up here. it made me want to cry. he's t …
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this for my ex-boyfriend...mainly because every one of these songs makes me think about him. even though there is a definite sadness underlining the entire mix, it's more about how beautiful mus …